๐Ÿ’ฐToken Utility

The $ULD token serves as both a utility and governance token within the Unlighted game ecosystem, providing various functionalities and benefits for players.

Utility Token

  1. Marketplace Transactions:

  • Settlement Method: $ULD is used to purchase paid items such as NFTs, weapons, crafts, keys, scroll and wearable items.

  • P2P Sales: Players can sell items to each other through the marketplace, with transaction fees settled in $ULD.

  1. Chance Game:

  • Players can use $ULD tokens to participate in chance games within the ecosystem.

  1. Battle Pass:

  • Purchase: Players can buy battle passes using $ULD.

  • Benefits: Battle passes grant access to special treasure maps, power, and healing potions, providing players with advantages and exclusive access to certain maps and loot.

  1. Banking System:

  • Insurance: Players can buy insurance within the game using $ULD.

  • Locking Mechanism: Players can lock $ULD tokens and the loot they have accumulated in the game for additional ULD tokens, in game assets, NFTs and/or other in game rewards like player boosts.

Governance Token

  1. Platform Governance:

  • $ULD is used to vote on governance proposals, influencing the direction and development of the Unlighted ecosystem.

  1. Guild Ecosystem:

  • The token plays a role in managing and participating in guild activities, enhancing collaboration and strategic gameplay.

In-Game Currency

  1. Upgrading Characters: Enhance your characters' abilities and stats to improve performance in the game.

  2. Boosting Abilities: Temporarily increase the power and effectiveness of your characters' abilities, giving them an edge during gameplay.

  3. Buying Heal Potions: Purchase heal potions to restore health and continue fighting without interruptions.

Earning In-Game Currency

  1. Farming:

  • Players can earn In-game currency by participating in farming activities within the game.

  1. Player vs. Environment (PvE):

  • Players earn in-game currency through various PvE activities, such as completing quests and defeating monsters.

  1. Player vs. Player (PvP):

  • Players can accumulate in-game currency by looting other players in PvP battles.

  1. Looting Item

  • Players can loot item from other players and from the game environment which can be then sold in the peer to peer marketplace.

Overall, the $ULD token is integral to the Unlighted ecosystem, buying in-game currency, governance, and providing multiple avenues for players to earn and utilize the token.

Last updated